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CFX Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Root CFX Topic. All CFX endpoints must implement this topic.
Public classAreYouThereRequest
Allows any CFX endpoint to determine if another particular CFX endpoint is present on a CFX network. The response sends basic information about the endpoint, including its CFX Handle, and network hostname / address.
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123"
Public classAreYouThereResponse
Allows any CFX endpoint to determine if another particular CFX endpoint is present on a CFX network. The response sends basic information about the endpoint, including its CFX Handle, and network hostname / address.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": null
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123",
  "RequestNetworkUri": "amqp://host33/",
  "RequestTargetAddress": "/queue/SN23123"
Public classCFXEnvelope
The CFXEnvelope class is the outer envelope or container in which all CFX messages are enclosed for transmission. Common properties, such as a globally unique identifier (ID) and the timestamp for the message (TimeStamp), are defined by this container class and are included with all CFX message transmissions.
   "MessageName": "CFX.EndpointConnected",
   "Version": "1.0",
   "TimeStamp": "2018-03-26T16:52:25.3769532-04:00",
   "UniqueID": "f3b2c8ec-50b7-4c63-9cb3-2ed57c01880f",
   "Source": null,
   "Target": null,
   "RequestID": null,
   "MessageBody": {
     "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123",
     "RequestNetworkUri": "amqp://host33/",
     "RequestTargetAddress": "/queue/SN23123"
Public classCFXMessage
Abstract base class for all CFX Messages. Contains no data members. Provides for the serialization and deserialization of messages to and from JSON format.
Public classEndpointConnected
Sent when an Endpoint joins a CFX network after it has been established. Provides the same information as the response to the AreYouThereRequest message. Need not be used for short-term machine to machine connection, where for example only a simple request / response message is being exchanged.
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123",
  "RequestNetworkUri": "amqp://host33/",
  "RequestTargetAddress": "/queue/SN23123"
Public classEndpointShuttingDown
Sent when an endpoint is about to shut down and disconnect from a CFX network
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123"
Public classGetEndpointInformationRequest
Requests detailed information about a single specified of a specified endpoint. The response includes information regarding the endpoint’s capabilities (CFX topic and message support), as well as a generic model of its physical layout (zones, lanes, etc).
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123"
Public classGetEndpointInformationResponse
Allows any CFX endpoint to request the capabilities of a specified single endpoint. The response sends basic information about the endpoint, including its CFX Handle, and network hostname / address.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": null
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123",
  "RequestNetworkUri": "amqp://host33:5688/",
  "RequestTargetAddress": "/queue/SN23123",
  "UniqueIdentifier": "UID564545645645656564",
  "FriendlyName": "SMD Placer 23123",
  "Vendor": "SMT Plus",
  "ModelNumber": "Model_21232",
  "SerialNumber": "SN23123",
  "NumberOfStages": 4,
  "NumberOfLanes": 1,
  "SupportedTopics": [
      "TopicName": "CFX.Production",
      "TopicSupportType": "PublisherConsumer",
      "SupportedMessages": []
      "TopicName": "CFX.Production.Assembly",
      "TopicSupportType": "Publisher",
      "SupportedMessages": []
      "TopicName": "CFX.ResourcePerformance",
      "TopicSupportType": "Publisher",
      "SupportedMessages": []
Public classNotSupportedResponse
Public classWhoIsThereRequest
Allows any CFX endpoint to discover all of the other endpoints participating in this CFX network, and their capabilities. All other CFX endpoints must then respond to this broadcast, providing information about themselves. The response provides basic information about the endpoint, including its CFX Handle and network hostname / address.
Public classWhoIsThereResponse
Allows any CFX endpoint to discover all of the other endpoints participating in this CFX network, and their capabilities. All other CFX endpoints must then respond to this broadcast, providing information about themselves. The response provides basic information about the endpoint, including its CFX Handle and network hostname / address.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": null
  "CFXHandle": "SMTPlus.Model_21232.SN23123",
  "RequestNetworkUri": "amqp://host33/",
  "RequestTargetAddress": "/queue/SN23123"