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CFX.Structures.SolderPastePrinting Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Data structures related to SMT stencil printing equipment
Public classSMTSolderPastePrintingFault
A specific type of fault that is produced by endpoints responsible for the printing of solder paste on PCBs.
Public classSMTSqueegee
Describes a squeegee that is used in the course of printing solder paste on to a PCB
Public classSMTStencil
Describes a stencil that is used in the course of printing solder paste on to a PCB
Public enumerationSMTSolderPastePrintingFaultType
Types of SMT printing faults
Public enumerationSMTSqueegeeCleanType
Types of SMT stencil cleans
Public enumerationSMTStencilCleanMode
Modes of stencil cleaning