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CFX.Transport Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Constains classes which facilitate the transport of CFX messages across a network, including AMQP 1.0 transmission and receipt
Public classAmqpCFXEndpoint
Primary class used by endpoint implementers to facility bi-directional, AMQP 1.0 based communications. Using this class, endpoints may publish messages to one or more destinations, subscribe to receive messages from one or more sources, and process incoming CFX requests from other CFX endpoints. This class also supports security features, including secure AMQP 1.0 protocol (AMQPS or AMQP over TLS), as well as SASL based authentication (Simple Authentication and Security Layer). At the time of this writing, the endpoint has been tested and verified for use with the RabbitMQ broker (with AMQP 1.0 plug-in enabled), as well as the Apache Qpid broker.
Public classAmqpChannelAddress
Public classAmqpUtilities