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TransportOrderStarted Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The TransportOrderStarted type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComments
Human readable comments related to this event
Public propertyFinalDestination
The final destination for this transport order
Public propertyMaterials
A list of the specific materials, WIP, and / or production units that are to be transported for this transport order.
Public propertyNextCheckpoint
The next anticipated check point (way point) for this transport order
Public propertyRelatedWorkOrderNumber
The related production work order number (where applicable)
Public propertySource
The point of origination for this this transport order. Often will be a stock area, room, etc., but may be any location within the factory environment
Public propertyStartedBy
The operator who initiated the new transport order (where applicable)
Public propertyStatus
The status of this transport order at the time of the event
Public propertyTransportOrderNumber
The order number of the new transport order
See Also