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Inspection Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Inspection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComments
Optional comments from the inspector who inspected the unit
Public propertyDefectsFound
The defects that were discovered in the course of performing this inspection (if any)
Public propertyError
In the case that the inspection cannot be completed, the error that was the cause of this outcome.
Public propertyInspectionEndTime
Indicates the time when this particular inspection ended (if known)
Public propertyInspectionName
Identifies the nature of the inspection performed
Public propertyInspectionStartTime
Indicates the time when this particular inspection began (if known)
Public propertyMeasurements
The measurements that were taken in the course of performing this inspection (if any). NOTE - Only measurements not related to particular defects or symptoms should be recorded here.
Public propertyResult
The overall result of the inspection
Public propertySymptoms
Any symptoms that were discovered during the inspection (if any).
Public propertyTestProcedure
Procedure to be followed to perform this inspection (primarily for human driven inspection)
Public propertyUniqueIdentifier
A unique indentifier describing a particular instance of an inspection was made. Each new occurrence or recurrence of this same inspection gets a new unique identifier.
See Also