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Reading Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Reading type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBinaryValue
If the Reading is of type DataType.Binary, this property contains the binary representation of the value.
Public propertyComponents
An optional list of components (instance of a part) on a production unit(s) to be associated with this reading.
Public propertyExpectedValue
The expected value
Public propertyExpectedValueUnits
The units of the expected value (must be a valid SI unit)
Public propertyMaximumAcceptableValue
The maximum acceptable value
Public propertyMinimumAcceptableValue
The minimum acceptable value
Public propertyReadingIdentifier
A name that uniquely describes the test or measurement that was performed.
Public propertyReadingSequence
An optional positive integer describing the sequence in which the tests or measurements were performed that resulted in this Reading. ///
Public propertyResult
An enumeration indicating whether or not this reading is considered acceptable.
Public propertyTimeRecorded
The date/time when this Reading was recorded.
Public propertyUnitIdentifier
In the case that this Reading is associated to a particular production unit, and the Reading is not associated with a work transaction, this property contains the unique identifier of the production unit.
Public propertyUnitPositionNumber
In the case that this Reading is associated with a particular production unit, and the Reading is associated with a work transaction, this property contains the position number of the unit as it relates to the transaction. If a position number is not specified, it is assumed that the Reading applies to all units associated with the transaction.
Public propertyValue
The value of the reading
Public propertyValueDataType
An enumeration describing the type of value contained in the Value or BinaryValue properties.
Public propertyValueMimeType
If the Reading is of type DataType.Binary, this property contains the MIME type of the binary data contained in the BinaryValue property.
Public propertyValueUnits
The units of the value (must be a valid SI unit)
See Also