UnitsTested Class |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Example 1 (In-Circuit Test of 2 Circuit PCB Panel):
{ "TransactionId": "2d1bacac-c923-4c38-815c-208685bbe319", "TestMethod": "Automated", "Tester": { "OperatorIdentifier": "UID235434324", "ActorType": "Human", "FullName": "Joseph Smith", "LastName": "Smith", "FirstName": "Joseph", "LoginName": "joseph.smith@abcdrepairs.com" }, "SamplingInformation": { "SamplingMethod": "NoSampling", "LotSize": null, "SampleSize": null }, "TestedUnits": [ { "UnitIdentifier": "PANEL34543535", "UnitPositionNumber": 1, "OverallResult": "Passed", "Tests": [ { "UniqueIdentifier": "0e17d9c7-9137-47fb-bddb-816aee913285", "TestName": "RESISTANCE_CHECK_R21", "TestStartTime": null, "TestEndTime": null, "TestConditions": [], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Passed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.NumericMeasurement, CFX", "MeasuredValue": { "Value": 28300.0, "ValueUnits": "Ohm", "ExpectedValue": 28.2, "ExpectedValueUnits": "kOhm", "MinimumAcceptableValue": 28.0, "MaximumAcceptableValue": 28.4 }, "UniqueIdentifier": "a41473f0-81f5-4b2e-8e67-e8c2daf0afd6", "MeasurementName": "RESISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_R21", "TimeRecorded": null, "Sequence": 0, "Result": "Passed", "Components": [ { "ReferenceDesignator": "R21", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" } ] } ] }, { "UniqueIdentifier": "5e7654ce-d62e-43a6-b90d-879af1ad98ca", "TestName": "RESISTANCE_CHECK_R22", "TestStartTime": null, "TestEndTime": null, "TestConditions": [], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Failed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [ { "UniqueIdentifier": "98d7a62e-b411-4e68-b788-40ec6cf4b970", "SymptomCode": "RESFAIL2", "SymptomCategory": "Electrical Tests", "Description": "Resistance Value Out of Tolerance", "Comments": null, "ComponentsOfInterest": [ { "ReferenceDesignator": "R22.1", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" }, { "ReferenceDesignator": "R22.2", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" } ], "RegionOfInterest": null, "Priority": 1, "RelatedMeasurements": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.NumericMeasurement, CFX", "MeasuredValue": { "Value": 28.52, "ValueUnits": "kOhm", "ExpectedValue": 28.2, "ExpectedValueUnits": "kOhm", "MinimumAcceptableValue": 28.0, "MaximumAcceptableValue": 28.4 }, "UniqueIdentifier": "9f3021f9-dd6e-4cae-955e-014a46d9e665", "MeasurementName": "RESISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_R22", "TimeRecorded": null, "Sequence": 0, "Result": "Passed", "Components": [ { "ReferenceDesignator": "R22", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" } ] } ] } ], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [] } ] }, { "UnitIdentifier": "PANEL34543535", "UnitPositionNumber": 2, "OverallResult": "Passed", "Tests": [ { "UniqueIdentifier": "68a2dd81-171c-4184-8de0-ec7aeaf76b49", "TestName": "RESISTANCE_CHECK_R21", "TestStartTime": null, "TestEndTime": null, "TestConditions": [], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Passed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.NumericMeasurement, CFX", "MeasuredValue": { "Value": 28300.0, "ValueUnits": "Ohm", "ExpectedValue": 28.2, "ExpectedValueUnits": "kOhm", "MinimumAcceptableValue": 28.0, "MaximumAcceptableValue": 28.4 }, "UniqueIdentifier": "ad809cbc-75cb-4ff0-8bbf-98ea000d104d", "MeasurementName": "RESISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_R21", "TimeRecorded": null, "Sequence": 0, "Result": "Passed", "Components": [ { "ReferenceDesignator": "R21", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" } ] } ] }, { "UniqueIdentifier": "dd6478ae-0b30-4a7f-a3f7-2ec0ff2e4b9b", "TestName": "RESISTANCE_CHECK_R22", "TestStartTime": null, "TestEndTime": null, "TestConditions": [], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Passed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.NumericMeasurement, CFX", "MeasuredValue": { "Value": 28300.0, "ValueUnits": "Ohm", "ExpectedValue": 28.2, "ExpectedValueUnits": "kOhm", "MinimumAcceptableValue": 28.0, "MaximumAcceptableValue": 28.4 }, "UniqueIdentifier": "36117d8e-718f-4750-b97f-e4d1e488ceb3", "MeasurementName": "RESISTANCE_MEASUREMENT_R22", "TimeRecorded": null, "Sequence": 0, "Result": "Passed", "Components": [ { "ReferenceDesignator": "R22", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "41234-8897" } ] } ] } ] } ] }
Example 2 (Burn-in / Hot / Cold Test of Final Production Unit):
{ "TransactionId": "5dbbe5f6-2b53-4584-a893-229195954789", "TestMethod": "Automated", "Tester": { "OperatorIdentifier": "UID235434324", "ActorType": "Human", "FullName": "Joseph Smith", "LastName": "Smith", "FirstName": "Joseph", "LoginName": "joseph.smith@abcdrepairs.com" }, "SamplingInformation": { "SamplingMethod": "NoSampling", "LotSize": null, "SampleSize": null }, "TestedUnits": [ { "UnitIdentifier": "UNIT123456789", "UnitPositionNumber": 1, "OverallResult": "Passed", "Tests": [ { "UniqueIdentifier": "5a94739f-2ad1-423e-b5b2-25601a7e54c0", "TestName": "HOT_TEST", "TestStartTime": "2018-03-29T13:52:29.6931932-04:00", "TestEndTime": "2018-03-29T13:53:01.6931932-04:00", "TestConditions": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.Temperature, CFX", "StartTime": null, "EndTime": null, "MeanValue": 45.2, "MedianValue": 0.0, "MaxValue": 45.8, "MinValue": 44.9 }, { "$type": "CFX.Structures.Humidity, CFX", "StartTime": null, "EndTime": null, "MeanValue": 85.5, "MedianValue": 0.0, "MaxValue": 85.7, "MinValue": 85.4 } ], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Passed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [] }, { "UniqueIdentifier": "52bb3411-62f1-434a-a3f1-5e44d1484b9e", "TestName": "COLD_TEST", "TestStartTime": "2018-03-29T13:52:29.6941918-04:00", "TestEndTime": "2018-03-29T13:53:01.6941918-04:00", "TestConditions": [ { "$type": "CFX.Structures.Temperature, CFX", "StartTime": null, "EndTime": null, "MeanValue": -6.5, "MedianValue": 0.0, "MaxValue": -6.4, "MinValue": -6.7 }, { "$type": "CFX.Structures.Humidity, CFX", "StartTime": null, "EndTime": null, "MeanValue": 22.5, "MedianValue": 0.0, "MaxValue": 22.7, "MinValue": 22.4 } ], "TestProcedure": null, "Comments": null, "Result": "Passed", "Error": null, "SymptomsFound": [], "DefectsFound": [], "Measurements": [] } ] } ] }
Namespace: CFX.Production.TestAndInspection
The UnitsTested type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | SamplingInformation |
Describes the sampling method that was used during the test (if any).
![]() | TestedUnits |
A list of the units that were tested, along with the tests made, and test results.
![]() | Tester |
Identifies the person who performed the test, or operator of the automated equipment that performed the test.
![]() | TestMethod |
Describes how the tests were performed.
![]() | TransactionId |
The id of the work transaction with which this testing session is associated.