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Symptom Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Describes a situation where a problem is identified via one or more failed tests. A symptom does not identify the actual cause of the failure(s), only that there is a problem that needs to be investigated.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CFX.Structures
Assembly:  CFXnet46 (in CFXnet46.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public class Symptom

The Symptom type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComments
Optional comments from the tester who discovered this symptom
Public propertyComponentsOfInterest
A list of the components or specific component pins related to this symptom (if known)
Public propertyDescription
A human friendly description of the symptom
Public propertyPriority
The priority of this symptom as compared to other symptom discovered for this unit. A priority of 1 indicates the highest priority.
Public propertyRegionOfInterest
An optional location or area on the production unit where the symptom is located (for cases where there is no specific components that can be definitively related).
Public propertyRelatedMeasurements
A list of measurements that were taken which caused this symptom to be created
Public propertySymptomCategory
An optional symptom category for this particular type of symptom
Public propertySymptomCode
A code identifying the type of symptom
Public propertyUniqueIdentifier
A unique identifier for this particular symptom instance (new and unique each time a new symptom is discovered).
See Also