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EnergyConsumed Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Sent by a process endpoint on a sampled interval of between 1 minute and 1 hour to indicate the energy usage and power consumption.
  "StartTime": "2018-04-05T09:33:06.1358356-04:00",
  "EndTime": "2018-04-05T09:38:06.1358356-04:00",
  "EnergyUsed": 0.012,
  "PeakPower": 125.6,
  "MinimumPower": 120.3,
  "MeanPower": 124.6
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CFX.ResourcePerformance
Assembly:  CFXnet46 (in CFXnet46.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public class EnergyConsumed : CFXMessage

The EnergyConsumed type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEndTime
The end time of the sample period
Public propertyEnergyUsed
The total amount of energy consumed during the sample period (in kilowatt-hours)
Public propertyMeanPower
The average amount of power consumed during the sample period (in watts)
Public propertyMinimumPower
The lowest amount of power recorded during the sample period (in watts)
Public propertyPeakPower
The maximum amount of power recorded during the sample period (in watts)
Public propertyStartTime
The start time of the sample period
See Also