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CFX.ResourcePerformance Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

CFX Topic related to the performance of an endpoint (speed, OEE, fault rates, etc).
Public classEnergyConsumed
Sent by a process endpoint on a sampled interval of between 1 minute and 1 hour to indicate the energy usage and power consumption.
  "StartTime": "2018-04-05T09:33:06.1358356-04:00",
  "EndTime": "2018-04-05T09:38:06.1358356-04:00",
  "EnergyUsed": 0.012,
  "PeakPower": 125.6,
  "MinimumPower": 120.3,
  "MeanPower": 124.6
Public classFaultCleared
Sent by a process endpoint when a fault is cleared as described in a FaultOccurred message
  "FaultOccurrenceId": "731ce619-7e80-4bf0-bb82-2985a9fa7368"
Public classFaultOccurred

Sent by a process endpoint whenever a fault is encountered. A data structure must be included in the message related to specific equipment type.

Generic Fault Example:

  "Fault": {
    "Cause": "MechanicalFailure",
    "Severity": "Error",
    "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480",
    "FaultOccurrenceId": "731ce619-7e80-4bf0-bb82-2985a9fa7368",
    "Lane": null,
    "Stage": null

SMT Placement Fault Example:

  "Fault": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMTPlacementFault, CFX",
    "PlacementFaultType": "PickupError",
    "ProgramStep": 56,
    "Designator": {
      "ReferenceDesignator": "R31",
      "UnitPosition": null,
      "PartNumber": "PN123456"
    "MaterialLocation": {
      "LocationIdentifier": "UID23948348324",
      "LocationName": "SLOT47",
      "MaterialPackage": {
        "UniqueIdentifier": "UID34280923084932849",
        "InternalPartNumber": "IPN456465465465",
        "Quantity": 854.0
      "CarrierInformation": {
        "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMDTapeFeeder, CFX",
        "BaseUniqueIdentifier": null,
        "BaseName": null,
        "LaneNumber": 1,
        "Width": "Tape8mm",
        "Pitch": "Pitch8mm",
        "UniqueIdentifier": "FDR2348934-32890",
        "Name": "8MMFDR231"
    "Nozzle": {
      "HeadId": "HEAD1",
      "HeadNozzleNumber": 3,
      "NozzleType": "TYPE914",
      "UniqueIdentifier": "UID2389432849",
      "Name": "NOZZLE3243244"
    "Cause": "MechanicalFailure",
    "Severity": "Error",
    "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480",
    "FaultOccurrenceId": "2a8aca83-5889-49d7-887b-89145b6dc9b9",
    "Lane": "LANE1",
    "Stage": "STAGE2"

THT Insertion Fault Example:

  "Fault": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.THTInsertion.THTInsertionFault, CFX",
    "InsertionFaultType": "ClinchError",
    "ProgramStep": 56,
    "Designator": {
      "ReferenceDesignator": "R31",
      "UnitPosition": null,
      "PartNumber": "PN123456"
    "MaterialLocation": {
      "LocationIdentifier": "UID23948348324",
      "LocationName": "SLOT47",
      "MaterialPackage": {
        "UniqueIdentifier": "UID34280923084932849",
        "InternalPartNumber": "IPN456465465465",
        "Quantity": 854.0
      "CarrierInformation": {
        "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMDTapeFeeder, CFX",
        "BaseUniqueIdentifier": null,
        "BaseName": null,
        "LaneNumber": 1,
        "Width": "Tape8mm",
        "Pitch": "Pitch8mm",
        "UniqueIdentifier": "FDR2348934-32890",
        "Name": "8MMFDR231"
    "Cause": "MechanicalFailure",
    "Severity": "Error",
    "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480",
    "FaultOccurrenceId": "c2ae2e0b-104e-4293-b9d3-575863c2916d",
    "Lane": "LANE1",
    "Stage": "STAGE2"
  "Fault": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.SolderPastePrinting.SMTSolderPastePrintingFault, CFX",
    "PrintingFaultType": "SqueegeeError",
    "Cause": "MechanicalFailure",
    "Severity": "Error",
    "FaultCode": "ERROR 234333",
    "FaultOccurrenceId": "3e667e7d-24b4-4b77-b356-34bb5e99d05c",
    "Lane": null,
    "Stage": null

SMT Printing Fault Example:

Public classLogEntryRecorded
An informational message sent by a process endpoint regarding the something that has occurred at the station. Information about the criticality of the information should also be given (information, warning, error etc.).
  "InformationId": "INF21321321",
  "Message": "Beam 1 Zeroed and Homed",
  "Importance": "Information",
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "STAGE1"
Public classMaintenancePerformed
Sent by an endpoint when maintenance has been performed. Information includes the type of maintenance, maintenance code, parts used, labor etc.
  "MaintenanceType": "Preventive",
  "MaintenanceOrderNumber": "MO676578576",
  "MaintenanceJobCode": "MNT113334",
  "ConsumedMaterials": [
      "MaterialLocation": {
        "LocationIdentifier": null,
        "LocationName": null,
        "MaterialPackage": {
          "UniqueIdentifier": null,
          "InternalPartNumber": "PN2343243",
          "Quantity": 0.0
        "CarrierInformation": null
      "QuantityUsed": 3.0,
      "QuantitySpoiled": 0.0,
      "RemainingQuantity": 0.0
      "MaterialLocation": {
        "LocationIdentifier": null,
        "LocationName": null,
        "MaterialPackage": {
          "UniqueIdentifier": "UID23849854385",
          "InternalPartNumber": "PN4452",
          "Quantity": 0.0
        "CarrierInformation": null
      "QuantityUsed": 3.0,
      "QuantitySpoiled": 0.0,
      "RemainingQuantity": 0.0
  "Tasks": [
      "Task": "Changed hydraulic fluid in resovoir 1",
      "TaskId": "HYD233432432",
      "Operator": {
        "OperatorIdentifier": "UID235434324",
        "ActorType": "Human",
        "FullName": "Joseph Smith",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "FirstName": "Joseph",
        "LoginName": ""
      "ManHoursConsumed": 0.75
      "Task": "Checked torque on main mount bolts",
      "TaskId": "CHK3432434",
      "Operator": {
        "OperatorIdentifier": "UID235434324",
        "ActorType": "Human",
        "FullName": "Joseph Smith",
        "LastName": "Smith",
        "FirstName": "Joseph",
        "LoginName": ""
      "ManHoursConsumed": 0.25
Public classModifyStationParameterRequest
This request allows an external source to modify a generic configuration parameter of a process endpoint. Upon successful processing of this request, the endpoint should publish a StationParameterModified message in addition to the ModifyStationParameterResponse message that it sends back to the requester.
  "ParameterName": "Torque1",
  "ParameterValue": "35.6"
Public classModifyStationParameterResponse
Response to an external source to modify a generic configuration parameter of a process endpoint.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
  "ParameterName": "Torque1",
  "OldParameterValue": "22.6",
  "NewParameterValue": "35.6"
Public classStageStateChanged
Sent by a process endpoint when the production state of one of its stages transitions from one state to another per its state model.
  "Stage": "STAGE2",
  "Lane": null,
  "OldState": "IdleStarved",
  "OldStateDuration": "00:01:25",
  "NewState": "ReadyProcessingActive",
  "RelatedFault": null
Public classStationOffline
Sent by a process endpoint when it is about to transition to a state where it is not possible for further communication, for example when the endpoint is powered down, reset, put into maintenance mode, or simply set off-line.
Public classStationOnline
Sent by a process endpoint when it is ready for communication to resume, for example, powered up, maintenance over, etc.
  "OfflineDuration": "00:23:00"
Public classStationParameterModified
Sent by a process endpoint to indicate that an operator has modified a generic parameter or configuration setting. This does not apply to settings related to recipes, which are handled by the RecipeModified event.
  "ParameterName": "Torque1",
  "OldParameterValue": "22.6",
  "NewParameterValue": "35.6"
Public classStationStateChanged
Sent by a process endpoint when the production state transitions from one state to another per its state model.

Example 1 (State change with no related fault):

  "OldState": "IdleStarved",
  "OldStateDuration": "00:01:25",
  "NewState": "ReadyProcessingActive",
  "RelatedFault": null

Example 2 (State change with related fault):

  "OldState": "ReadyProcessingExecuting",
  "OldStateDuration": "00:00:25",
  "NewState": "UnplannedDowntime",
  "RelatedFault": {
    "Cause": "MechanicalFailure",
    "Severity": "Error",
    "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480",
    "FaultOccurrenceId": "84c6021f-9db9-431b-aa0b-567b961ac96f",
    "Lane": null,
    "Stage": null
Public classToolChanged
Sent when a new tool is selected for active use at a production endpoint

Example 1 (Generic tool change):

  "OldTool": null,
  "ReturnedToHolder": null,
  "NewTool": {
    "UniqueIdentifier": "UID23890430",
    "Name": "TorqueWrench_123"
  "LoadedFromHolder": {
    "LocationUniqueIdentifier": "UID238943243243",
    "LocationName": "BIN45",
    "BaseName": null

Example 2 (Nozzle change on SMT placement machine):

  "OldTool": null,
  "ReturnedToHolder": null,
  "NewTool": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMTNozzle, CFX",
    "HeadId": "HEAD1",
    "HeadNozzleNumber": 1,
    "NozzleType": "TYPE914",
    "UniqueIdentifier": "UID23890430",
    "Name": "NOZZLE234324"
  "LoadedFromHolder": {
    "LocationUniqueIdentifier": "UID238943243243",
    "LocationName": "HOLDER14",
    "BaseName": "NEST2"

Example 3 (Stencil change on SMT stencil printer):

  "OldTool": null,
  "ReturnedToHolder": null,
  "NewTool": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.SolderPastePrinting.SMTStencil, CFX",
    "UniqueIdentifier": "UID23890430",
    "Name": "STENCIL234324"
  "LoadedFromHolder": null

Example 3 (Squeegee change on SMT stencil printer):

  "OldTool": null,
  "ReturnedToHolder": null,
  "NewTool": {
    "$type": "CFX.Structures.SolderPastePrinting.SMTSqueegee, CFX",
    "UniqueIdentifier": "UID23890430",
    "Name": "SQUEEGEE234324"
  "LoadedFromHolder": null