FaultOccurred Class |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Sent by a process endpoint whenever a fault is encountered. A data structure must be included in the message related to specific equipment type.
Generic Fault Example:
{ "Fault": { "Cause": "MechanicalFailure", "Severity": "Error", "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480", "FaultOccurrenceId": "731ce619-7e80-4bf0-bb82-2985a9fa7368", "Lane": null, "Stage": null } }
SMT Placement Fault Example:
{ "Fault": { "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMTPlacementFault, CFX", "PlacementFaultType": "PickupError", "ProgramStep": 56, "Designator": { "ReferenceDesignator": "R31", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "PN123456" }, "MaterialLocation": { "LocationIdentifier": "UID23948348324", "LocationName": "SLOT47", "MaterialPackage": { "UniqueIdentifier": "UID34280923084932849", "InternalPartNumber": "IPN456465465465", "Quantity": 854.0 }, "CarrierInformation": { "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMDTapeFeeder, CFX", "BaseUniqueIdentifier": null, "BaseName": null, "LaneNumber": 1, "Width": "Tape8mm", "Pitch": "Pitch8mm", "UniqueIdentifier": "FDR2348934-32890", "Name": "8MMFDR231" } }, "Nozzle": { "HeadId": "HEAD1", "HeadNozzleNumber": 3, "NozzleType": "TYPE914", "UniqueIdentifier": "UID2389432849", "Name": "NOZZLE3243244" }, "Cause": "MechanicalFailure", "Severity": "Error", "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480", "FaultOccurrenceId": "2a8aca83-5889-49d7-887b-89145b6dc9b9", "Lane": "LANE1", "Stage": "STAGE2" } }
THT Insertion Fault Example:
{ "Fault": { "$type": "CFX.Structures.THTInsertion.THTInsertionFault, CFX", "InsertionFaultType": "ClinchError", "ProgramStep": 56, "Designator": { "ReferenceDesignator": "R31", "UnitPosition": null, "PartNumber": "PN123456" }, "MaterialLocation": { "LocationIdentifier": "UID23948348324", "LocationName": "SLOT47", "MaterialPackage": { "UniqueIdentifier": "UID34280923084932849", "InternalPartNumber": "IPN456465465465", "Quantity": 854.0 }, "CarrierInformation": { "$type": "CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement.SMDTapeFeeder, CFX", "BaseUniqueIdentifier": null, "BaseName": null, "LaneNumber": 1, "Width": "Tape8mm", "Pitch": "Pitch8mm", "UniqueIdentifier": "FDR2348934-32890", "Name": "8MMFDR231" } }, "Cause": "MechanicalFailure", "Severity": "Error", "FaultCode": "ERROR 3943480", "FaultOccurrenceId": "c2ae2e0b-104e-4293-b9d3-575863c2916d", "Lane": "LANE1", "Stage": "STAGE2" } }
{ "Fault": { "$type": "CFX.Structures.SolderPastePrinting.SMTSolderPastePrintingFault, CFX", "PrintingFaultType": "SqueegeeError", "Cause": "MechanicalFailure", "Severity": "Error", "FaultCode": "ERROR 234333", "FaultOccurrenceId": "3e667e7d-24b4-4b77-b356-34bb5e99d05c", "Lane": null, "Stage": null } }
SMT Printing Fault Example:
Namespace: CFX.ResourcePerformance
The FaultOccurred type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | Fault |
Dynamic structure providing detailed information about the fault that has occurred.