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Measurement Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Abstract base class for dynamic data structure which describes a measurement that was made by a human or by automated equipment in the course of inspecting or testing a production unit
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CFX.Structures
Assembly:  CFXnet46 (in CFXnet46.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public abstract class Measurement

The Measurement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComponents
An optional list of components (instance of a part) on a production unit(s) to be associated with this measurement.
Public propertyMeasurementName
A name that uniquely describes the test or measurement that was performed.
Public propertyResult
An enumeration indicating whether or not this measurement is considered acceptable.
Public propertySequence
An optional positive integer describing the sequence in which the tests or measurements were performed that resulted in this Reading. ///
Public propertyTimeRecorded
The date/time when this Measurement was recorded (if known, otherwise null)
Public propertyUniqueIdentifier
A unique identifier that for this particular measurement instance (new and unique each time a new measurement is made or repeated).
See Also