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SMDTrayFeeder Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Describes an SMT Tray carrier
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement
Assembly:  CFXnet46 (in CFXnet46.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public class SMDTrayFeeder : MaterialCarrier

The SMDTrayFeeder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCellCountX
The number of cells in the x axis in this tray carrier
Public propertyCellCountY
The number of cells in the y axis in this tray carrier
Public propertyCellDimensionX
The x dimension of each cell in the tray carrier
Public propertyCellDimensionY
The y dimension of each cell in the tray carrier
Public propertyCellPitchX
The x offset between adjacent cells in the tray carrier
Public propertyCellPitchY
The y offset between adjacent cells in the tray carrier
See Also