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CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Data structures related to SMT placement equipment
Public classSMDTapeFeeder
Describes an SMT Tape feeder.
Public classSMDTrayFeeder
Describes an SMT Tray carrier
Public classSMDTubeFeeder
Describes and SMT Tube Feeder
Public classSMTNozzle
Public classSMTPlacementFault
A specific type of fault that is produced by endpoints responsible for the picking and placing of SMD components
Public enumerationSMDTapePitch
Pitch of Tape Feeder
Public enumerationSMDTapeType
Tape type for Package of Taped SMD's
Public enumerationSMDTapeWidth
Width of Taped SMD's
Public enumerationSMTPlacementFaultType
Types of SMT Placement Faults