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CFX.Production Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

CFX Topic implemented by endpoints which are involved in the processing of production units.
Public classActivateRecipeRequest
Used to activate a named recipe at the process endpoint. The response indicates whether this was successful or not.
  "RecipeName": "RECIPE1234",
  "Revision": "C",
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classActivateRecipeResponse
Used to activate a named recipe at the process endpoint. The response indicates whether this was successful or not.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
Public classBlockMaterialLocationsRequest
Sent to a process endpoint to block or disable a particular material setup location. This is typically used where a loaded material may become unsuitable for use, for example MSD expiry of an SMT material.
  "Locations": [
      "LocationIdentifier": "23143433",
      "LocationName": "SLOT45",
      "MaterialPackage": null,
      "CarrierInformation": null
      "LocationIdentifier": "23143454",
      "LocationName": "SLOT46",
      "MaterialPackage": null,
      "CarrierInformation": null
Public classBlockMaterialLocationsResponse
Sent to a process endpoint to block or disable a particular material setup location. This is typically used where a loaded material may become unsuitable for use, for example MSD expiry of an SMT material.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "BLOCKED OK"
Public classGetActiveRecipeRequest
Used to request the name of the recipe that is activated at a process endpoint. The response indicates the name of the recipe.
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classGetActiveRecipeResponse
Used to request the name of the recipe that is activated at a process endpoint. The response indicates the name of the recipe.
  "ActiveRecipeName": "RECIPE5566",
  "ActiveRecipeRevision": "C",
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
Public classGetRecipeRequest
This message is used to request a process endpoint for the details of a named recipe. The response includes details of the recipe, depending on the classification of the process.
  "RecipeName": "RECIPE3234",
  "Revision": null
Public classGetRecipeResponse
This message is used to request a process endpoint for the details of a named recipe. The response includes details of the recipe, depending on the classification of the process.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": null
  "Recipe": {
    "Name": "RECIPE4455",
    "Revision": null,
    "MimeType": "application/octet-stream",
    "RecipeData": "ESKImSNVZlM="
Public classGetRequiredSetupRequest
Sent to a process endpoint to request the setup requirements of the active recipe. The response lists the required materials and tools, along with the locations where the materials/tools must be loaded.
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classGetRequiredSetupResponse
Response from a process endpoint to a request to obtain the setup requirements of the active recipe. The response lists the required materials and tools, along with the locations where the materials/tools must be loaded.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
  "RecipeName": "RECIPE4455",
  "RecipeRevision": "C",
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "1",
  "SetupRequirements": {
    "Lane": "1",
    "Stage": "1",
    "SetupName": "COMMONSETUP45",
    "MaterialSetupRequirements": [
        "Position": "B1.F.45",
        "PartNumber": "IPN1123",
        "ApprovedAlternateParts": [
        "ApprovedManufacturerParts": [
        "Position": "B1.F.47",
        "PartNumber": "IPN1124",
        "ApprovedAlternateParts": [
        "ApprovedManufacturerParts": [
Public classLockStationRequest
Request that the endpoint cease active operation (locked) as soon as practically possible at a process endpoint. A specific production lane or stage may be optionally specified. Includes a reason, and applies to all operations. The response indicates that the process has stopped.
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": "5",
  "Reason": "QualityIssue",
  "Requestor": {
    "OperatorIdentifier": "bdcb4098-4645-4342-b85d-65a64c52393e",
    "ActorType": "Human",
    "FullName": "Bill Smith",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "FirstName": "Bill",
    "LoginName": ""
Public classLockStationResponse
Response to a request that the endpoint cease active operation (locked) as soon as practically possible at a process endpoint.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
Public classOperatorActivated
Indicates that an operator is now active at or responsible for a process endpoint. Having multiple operators (each needs to be activated and deactivated separately) or an absence of an operator is possible.
  "Operator": {
    "OperatorIdentifier": "8d24755a-36bf-4bb3-8736-71790f9a1f48",
    "ActorType": "Human",
    "FullName": "Bill Smith",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "FirstName": "Bill",
    "LoginName": ""
Public classOperatorDeactivated
Indicates that an activated operator is no longer active or responsible at a process endpoint
  "Operator": {
    "OperatorIdentifier": "de1f03c5-b432-4603-b0d8-39c97469fe86",
    "ActorType": "Human",
    "FullName": "Bill Smith",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "FirstName": "Bill",
    "LoginName": ""
Public classReadingsRecorded
A process endpoint uses this message to send a data object that has been acquired for example from a sensor or a reading taken during processing of the unit. This data is typically used as a traceability record. Where no unit ID is provided, the measurement is applicable to the process in terms of time only.
Public classRecipeActivated
Sent by a process endpoint to indicate the activation of a recipe by its name
  "RecipeName": "RECIPE3234",
  "Revision": "B",
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": null
Public classRecipeModified
Sent by a process endpoint to indicate that a change has been made to a specified named recipe.
  "RecipeName": "RECIPE3234",
  "Revision": "D",
  "ModifiedBy": {
    "OperatorIdentifier": "da85fb6e-dca5-4a7e-9f7d-041384286a81",
    "ActorType": "Human",
    "FullName": "Bill Smith",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "FirstName": "Bill",
    "LoginName": ""
  "Reason": "PositionalCorrection",
  "Notes": null
Public classSetupRequirementsChanged
Sent whenever the setup requirement of materials, tools, etc. are changed for any reason at a process endpoint. This message contains a detailed listing of the required items, and their designated positions. This message is typically used for example, whenever a new recipe is activated which requires a different setup. If the Lane and Stage properties are left empty, the setup requirements of the entire Endpoint have been impacted. Otherwise, only the specified Lane and/or Stage is impacted.
  "Lane": "1",
  "Stage": null
Public classUnblockMaterialLocationsRequest
Sent to a process endpoint to release a material locations block which was put into place by a previously sent BlockMaterialLocationsRequest
  "Locations": [
      "LocationIdentifier": "23143433",
      "LocationName": "SLOT45",
      "MaterialPackage": null,
      "CarrierInformation": null
      "LocationIdentifier": "23143454",
      "LocationName": "SLOT46",
      "MaterialPackage": null,
      "CarrierInformation": null
Public classUnblockMaterialLocationsResponse
Response to UnblockMaterialLocationsRequest
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "BLOCKED OK"
Public classUnitsArrived
Sent when production units physically arrives at a process endpoint, prior to any work or other activity commencing.
  "UnitCount": 2,
  "Units": [
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT1",
      "X": 0.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 0.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT2",
      "X": 6.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 90.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
Public classUnitsDeparted
Sent by a process endpoint when units physically depart from a process endpoint. This does not imply any information about any activity that may have taken place.
  "UnitCount": 2,
  "Units": [
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT1",
      "X": 0.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 0.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT2",
      "X": 6.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 90.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
Public classUnitsDisqualified
Sent by a process endpoint to identify that a specific production unit is disqualified or scrapped. This includes logical disqualification in the case that a unit is abandoned during manufacturing
  "UnitCount": 2,
  "Units": [
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT1",
      "X": 0.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 0.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT2",
      "X": 6.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 90.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
Public classUnlockStationRequest
Request that a process endpoint resume production, following a previous lock. The response indicates that the lock has been removed.
  "Lane": null,
  "Stage": null,
  "Requestor": {
    "OperatorIdentifier": "60d8e5c1-ca23-48c6-b56a-3572723176bd",
    "ActorType": "Human",
    "FullName": "Bill Smith",
    "LastName": "Smith",
    "FirstName": "Bill",
    "LoginName": ""
Public classUnlockStationResponse
Response to a request for a process endpoint to resume production, following a previous lock.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
Public classUpdateRecipeRequest
This message is used to send a named recipe to a process endpoint. The message includes details of the recipe, depending on the classification of the process. The response indicates whether the recipe has been received correctly or not.
  "Overwrite": true,
  "Recipe": {
    "Name": "RECIPE234324",
    "Revision": "C",
    "MimeType": "application/octet-stream",
    "RecipeData": "//w0"
  "Reason": "NewRevision"
Public classUpdateRecipeResponse
This message is used to send a named recipe to a process endpoint. The message includes details of the recipe, depending on the classification of the process. The response indicates whether the recipe has been received correctly or not.
  "Result": {
    "Result": "Success",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "Message": "OK"
Public classWorkCompleted
Sent by a process endpoint when all work has been completed at a process endpoint.
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Result": "Completed"
Public classWorkStageCompleted
Sent by a process endpoint to indicate that a stage has been completed.
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Stage": "1",
  "Result": "Completed"
Public classWorkStagePaused
Sent when activity pauses for some reason at a stage of the process endpoint
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classWorkStageResumed
Sent when activity recommences at a stage within a process endpoint, following a WorkStagePaused message
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classWorkStageStarted
Sent by a process endpoint when the work-stage for a unit or group of units starts
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Stage": "1"
Public classWorkStarted
Sent by a process endpoint when the work-cycle for a unit or group of units starts
  "TransactionID": "2c24590d-39c5-4039-96a5-91900cecedfa",
  "Lane": "1",
  "UnitCount": 2,
  "Units": [
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT1",
      "X": 0.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 0.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false
      "UnitIdentifier": "CARRIER5566",
      "PositionNumber": 1,
      "PositionName": "CIRCUIT2",
      "X": 6.254,
      "Y": 0.556,
      "Rotation": 90.0,
      "FlipX": false,
      "FlipY": false