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SMDTapePitch Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Pitch of Tape Feeder

Namespace:  CFX.Structures.SMTPlacement
Assembly:  CFXnet46 (in CFXnet46.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public enum SMDTapePitch
  Member nameValueDescription
Adjustable0 Adjustable Pitch Feeder
Pitch2mm1 2mm Pitch
Pitch4mm2 4mm Pitch
Pitch8mm3 8mm Pitch
Pitch12mm4 12mm Pitch
Pitch16mm5 16mm Pitch
Pitch24mm6 24mm Pitch
Pitch32mm7 32mm Pitch
Pitch36mm8 36mm Pitch
Other9 Pitch other than those specified in this enumeration
See Also